Quantum-Touch stimulates the body’s capacity to heal itself through a practitioner’s use of intention, body energy awareness and breath work. Quantum-Touch founder Richard Gordon developed the practice based on techniques originated in the late 1970s by Bob Rasmussen, a hands-on healer.
Foundational to the Quantum-Touch technique is the understanding that it is not the practitioner doing the healing, but rather the recipient. “Given the right energetic, emotional, nutritional and spiritual environments, the natural state of the body is perfect health or homeostasis,” says Richard Gordon, author of Quantum-Touch 2.0: The New Human (North Atlantic Books, 2013). “The body has an extraordinary intelligence and ability to heal itself. Our favorite definition of a healer is someone who was sick and got well. A great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly.”
In the world of quantum physics, all energy is the same. The life force found in all human beings is the same life force energy found in a dog, a plant or an amoeba. In the world of Quantum-Touch, all healing is self-healing. Practitioners can assist other people to heal simply by directing life energy from the Earth into their heart chakra and then to the client. The client and the client’s body do the real work of using that life force energy to make the corrections in the body that are needed to heal. According to Gordon, the operative scientific principles in play that enable Quantum-Touch to work are resonance and entrainment. Place a bunch of pendulum clocks together in a room, and before long they will all be synchronized. As any musician knows, if you pluck a G string on an instrument such as a harp, the G string on another instrument in the room will start to vibrate sympathetically in resonant union.
It is much the same in physics, where entrainment theory dictates that two objects, each vibrating at a different speed, will start to vibrate at the same speed when energy is transferred between them. According to Quantum-Touch theory, energy directed from the heart (the “H” string) is a high vibrational life-force energy that the recipient’s body can use to correct pain, stress, inflammation or disease, entraining that area to the correct frequency needed to heal.
Medical Qigong Therapy
Medical qigong therapy is Chinese energy healing and is based on the principals of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. It utilizes massage techniques, bodywork, acupressure points and applied energy both on and off the body.
Medical qigong therapy restores balance and harmony throughout the systems of the body, reduces pain and enhances overall health, energy and well being.
In our Western cultural environment of sound bites, abbreviated attention spans and trendy fads of short lived duration, Paul Lamb is a welcome anomaly: a student and practitioner of Qigong for four decades, his expertise is beond reproach. Many purport to have acquired the skill of Medical Qigong, but in truth, very few individuals are willing to devote the time necessary to back this claim; Paul is emphatically one of the select few.
Anthony Fazio, L.Ac., C.A. Acupuncturist / Herbalist Director, Peaceful Spirit Acupuncture Ithaca, NY
Please call or email to set up an appointment or for additional informatio 201-895 -5983 [email protected] Copyright, Paul M. Lamb 2022- All rights reserved