N J Licensed Massage Therapist,
Quantum Touch Practitioner, Medical Qigong Therapist, Master Level Reflexologist, Reiki Master. Tai Chi and Qigong Instructor, Mind-Body-Self Healing Instructor Excerpts from Reviews: "One virtual session with Paul helped relieve a chronic sciatica pain I’ve been suffering from for years. I've been walking on the beach, hiking, and driving long distances pain free." Peter Andruss New Jersey Paul was a blessing to find when i got diagnosed with a major illness. I have seen him frequently for months now and he is not only a kind soul but after each session the energy he gives me is miraculous. He also provided the Core Distortion on me after learning i had 4 knee surgeries, and now i am able to run again, a passion i once loved! Thank you Paul for guiding me and for continuing to facilitate my healing Kristy De Checchi New Jersey "Recently, I had a distance healing session with Paul Lamb. He said his focus would be on my core distortion and on my left knee, two years after replacement surgery. My knee pain is now gone and my balance has been restored. Before the session when I walked my left heel dragged and now that is gone. I am feeling good." Mark Andruss California "My 96 year old mother had acute pain and was unable to walk for a few days. She suffers from sciatica which can be debilitating so she just “gets used to it.” After just one distance core distortion treatment, she was able to walk much better and became pain free in a couple of days." Gina Presiosa Florida eter "My distance healing session was amazing. It was very relaxing and my body felt warm. Then it felt like my spine was being very gently stretched and rotated in various ways. First in my upper back and neck, then my mid back and then the sacrum. Afterwards my right hip/sacral area is level and rotated back to even with the left. My right leg no longer turns out when I walk." Melissa Finder California "I had my right knee replaced in 2010 and my right hip in 2020. I have had a lifetime of balance and mobility issues. Since Paul's virtual core distortion correction i have noticed I can now walk without pain. My stamina, my balance and my position in space is steadier and more even. My overall comfort in my body is much better. "I ride horses and have noticed that I am now more comfortable riding and can ride longer. And when I get off my horse, I no longer have to think about how to move my body. And I now can walk up stairs without needing to tell my self, left foot, right foot." Connie McDermott Arizona "A constant pain that I have been experiencing in my colon from IBS for years totally disappeared after the distance healing session. What a relief! The bloating also has diminished considerably. My gratitude and thanks, Paul." Rita Gallagher Alberta Canada |
My goal is to help people to live pain free, with full functionality and with an enhanced level of health, energy and wellbeing. I am skilled in advanced energy healing, with over 25 years experience. I specialize in rehabilitative bodywork blending energetic therapies, therapeutic massage and reflexology. I also specialize in distance healing Healing sessions can be done in person in the office, or with distance energy healing. Both are equally effective. Until now there has been a missing link in our healthcare system's ability to achieve a long term rehabilitation of some musculoskeletal problems and dysfunction. The missing link has been a lack of awareness of an underlying structural imbalance, the Core Distortion that apparently we are born with and which is responsible for the majority of the musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction that we experience. In the Core Distortion the sphenoid and occipital bones in the skull are twisted relative to each other throughout life, causing a parallel twisted imbalance of the hips in almost everyone. The condition is related to a wide variety of functional disorders. A single QuantumTouch high vibrational heart based energy healing session in person or with distance healing can correct this imbalance and contribute to a structural re-alignment of the body and to far-reaching and lifelong-lasting health benefits. Pain reduction and full functionality become available as does the potential for peak performance, while overall stamina, strength, flexibility, organ function efficiency and energy can be maximized. Joint replacement surgery can also be prevented. Some of the conditions addressed
According to Don McCann, MA LMT, the discover of Core Distortion, after 37 years of work and research, this is a partial list of the 200 + health conditions that have been found to respond well to correction of the Core distortion: